
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

Miss Vilma Phonics First Period Letters Cc and Dd

Cat Cup  Car Computer Desk Doll Duck  Dog Letetr Dd chant

Miss Vilma Vocabulary First Period Vegetables

 Carrot Corn  Broccoli Onion Pepper Potato Tomato Cucumber Watch the following Videos to practice pronunciation and Veggies Names  Vegestables song Vegesables Names

Miss Vilma Phonics First Period

Miss Vilma Morales. Phonics First Period Watch the following Videos : Alphabet song Letters sounds Review the vocabulary for this unit by looking at each image and saying its name and letter sound, students related image and sound. Example: A is for alligator and so on Vocabulary Words:  letter Aa: alligator - ant - apple - ax Letter Bb:  banana- bear - bed - bird  Alligator Ant Apple        Ax    Banana Bear  Bed Bird 

Miss Vilma Vocabulary First Period

Miss Vilma Morales A. Vocabulary First Period Please watch the following videos to practice the vocabulary identification Head and soulders, kness and toes  Body Parts Vocabulary body parts

Miss Carlota Math First Period Unit 2

Miss Carlota Math First Period Math Book Please watch the following videos: Color Blue / Color Crew Color Blue #2 / Color Crew Blue ABCD Kids TV   Blue   Clouds   Water   Blue Berries   Blue Jeans Please watch the following videos: Color Yellow Colo Crew Yellow song     Yellow   Duck   Sun   Banana   Wheat

Miss Carlota Math First Period Unit1

Miss Carlota Math First Period Math Book Please watch the following videos: Color Red Color Crew The Red Song Red Red Red The Red Station Review the vocabulary. What things are red?   Red   Hearts   Fire Truck   Roses   Stop Sign   Strawberries   Tomatoes   Watermelon

Miss Carlota Oral English First Period Units 2-3

Unit Two and Three Vocabulary Please watch the following videos: Food song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IwulRrYnzQ Food Alphabet Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4MCiq3cbao What do you want to eat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUw3-im44qY What do you want to drink? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kBbNmd8i-s  Bake a cake  Beans  Breakfast  Corn Crackers  Dinner  Eggs  Grapefruit  Lemonade  Lime  Lunch  Orange Juice  Pear Spaghetti